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Because of You...

Dec 8, 2024

2 min read



Dear Family Promise Family,

It is crazy for me to process that I have been with Family Promise of Cobb County as Executive Director for close to a year. It has flown by. In October, I had the opportunity to attend Family Promise’s National meeting and met Karen Olson, founder of Family Promise. It surprised me she was in a wheelchair from a horrific fall that had paralyzed her. She did not allow her paralysis to stop her from being a guest speaker and meeting people. She reminded me of our families. The obstacles they face when they experience the trauma of homelessness however they still show up for work, caring for their families, and fighting to make a bad situation bearable for their children.

When I learned about Family Promise of Cobb County I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I learned quickly that our volunteer and support community is the best! I have seen you show up whenever there is a need. You set up beds, ensure the van and trailer get to where they need to go, ensure food is on the table for our families, and Request for Printing and Folding assistance. You are the reason for our success.

Because of you, one of our moms and her 3 boys joined Family Promise and found a path to thrive. She worked with Louise, our case manager, updated her resume, landed a higher-paying job, and was promoted to Team Lead. Your encouragement helped her believe in herself for the first time. Today, she and her boys are thriving in a tiny home. She is enrolled in an 18-month program with Circles Cobb, working with allies in our community, learning how to break the cycle of poverty. Her story is one of many made possible because of you.

This year, you have assisted 22 families, a total of 73 people. In 2025, we are expanding our preventative care by formalizing our eviction prevention and shelter diversion programs and introducing stabilization programs for our families that have graduated, increasing the number of families we serve by 33%.

Your financial support is critical to our success. Committing to a monthly or one-time donation of any amount, you offer our families stability, compassion, and opportunity. For as little as $25 a month—less than the cost of a meal out—you make a difference:

$25 a month funds gas cards to help guests get to appointments, interviews, and jobs.

$50 a month provides pillows and storage bins for 5 families.

$100 a month covers day center utilities and internet, so families have a space for case management, laundry, and job searches.

To donate online, please visit or simply mail in your check. Thank you for being a member of our family. Together, we can make 2025 a year of empowerment, growth, and renewed hope.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Autumn Sines

Executive Director

Dec 8, 2024

2 min read



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